I would like to first state that today Gilbert turned two and it was the worst (half) day I have yet to experience with him. He was either whining, crying, pouting, and simply putting on his best display of being two. But after he woke up from his nap he was doing better and I felt that I could make it through the family festivities scheduled for the remainder of the day.
It was a good thing that we are not yet doing birthday parties for him, since one at a time all of us have come down with a little flu. Being that the media has everyone so freaked out about the flu right now, I'm sure no parent would have wanted their child to be around Gilbert. Perhaps next year we will start having kid birthday parties for him with the golden rule of inviting the number of kids in correlation to the age of the birthday boy.
So what did we do? I love traditions, so we came up with the first one of always carving pumpkins on his birthday with one of the pumpkins being a carving of his age. Simple, but perfect for now. When he gets older we can elaborate on it. So we ordered pizza, had the traditional pumpkin spice cupcakes from the local bakery, carved pumpkins, and opened presents. I know he still doesn't really get it, but I could tell that he had an idea that it was something special and about him....especially when the presents came around.
What are his major milestones? He jumps in puddles, will give you knuckles, requests chopsticks for eating, asks to drive the car, hikes mountains, feeds the pets, brings dishes into the kitchen, says thank you and please, weighs 29 lbs, loves to play with worms from the garden, asks to see the moon every night, rides his balance bike, loves the bike trailer and jogger. Oh and we estimate he has about 600 words, is starting to speak in sentences, and repeats EVERYTHING you say, so be careful as to what you say.
Yes, he also insists on wearing his boots every day. Very Portland, actually very cyclocross of him!