Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Despite just having our things delivered to our new house, Michael and I went to DC last weekend. My friend Ginger from Portland was going to be there for a wedding so that was just the motivation we needed to make the trip. Luckily my friends James and Keren live in DC so we had a place to stay. They were very hospitable and help point us in the direction of the Metro so we could check out they typical tourist things in DC. James lives only a Metro stop from the White House so Saturday we took it in. On Sunday we hooked up Ginger at her fancy hotel, The Mayflower, and caught up while taking in a few more sites. As busy as the weekend was, we managed to make a trip to IKEA to get a few things for the house. We were running on fumes by the time we were leaving and refuled with soda and hotdogs. Anyone who knows us, knows that we must have been desperate. ;) The weekend was fast paced, but great! DC is only under two hours from Chambersburg! How lucky are we?

1 comment:

girl in search of ananda said...

Its so fun to read about the family adventures! I especially love the pics...Gilbert in the drawer is my fav. This is a great way to stay connected with everyone! I hope to visit in the near future...a road trip is always fun. Especially because I miss you.

Much love,always,