Saturday, December 29, 2007


Michael ended up working on Christmas which was fine with us, we had already had so much going on that trying to pull off a formal Christmas was not in our place. Plus I don’t think Gilbert minded. But he was lucky enough to have his own Christmas stocking that my mom knit for him, which was filled with small gifts for the family….from Santa of course.

After Christmas we headed up to Butler to stay a few days with Michael’s Grandparents, Grandma Pat and Grandpa Gib (Gilbert) Taggart. It was really nice to spend time with family and connect during the holidays. Grandma and Grandpa loved Gilbert and were hands-on the entire time. It was nice because it gave me a little break. Grandma Pat was amazing, I don’t know how she does it, but she would be holding Gilbert one minute and the next minute dinner would be on the table. I guess that is the kind of skill you would expect from someone who raised six kids. Lucy also had a great time and actually sulked for about two days after she returned. I think she has a special place in her heart for Grandpa Gib.

Butler is a really cute town with a lot of family history. We drove by the house Michael’s great grandparents live in on the Taggart side of the family. We also drove over the see Michael’s Aunt Kris and Uncle Scott in Mars, PA. Mars is a great town with a subtle UFO/Mars theme to it. It seems like the have a great close knit group of friends, one of the benefits of living close to where you grew up. We also took one day and spent some time with the Gallagher side of the family, getting the chance to see Michael’s other grandparents and some aunts and uncles.

I was sad to leave Butler as the opportunity to see family is one of the reasons we moved to PA. But We’re hoping to get a chance to visit again in the Spring. Plus we will be seeing everyone on the Taggart side of the family in July at the family reunion. I must admit that after meeting more people from the family, I’m looking very forward to it.

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