Friday, February 8, 2008


Today Gilbert took on his first hike. Lucy, Gilbert and I headed to seek out the Appalachain Trail. We were very happy to find that it really is just nine miles from our door to the head of the trail! For those of you who don't know, the Appalachain Trail goes all the way from Maine to Goergia. A good section of it streteches through Pennsylvania. Some people "thru hikers" hike the whole thing in one five month stretch, while others like to take on smaller portions at a time. Well I must say that I was plesently surprised to find that those "rolling hills" in the distance actually hold some beautiful hiking trails. Throughout the PA portion there are shelters for people hiking "thru" and for those just wanting to camp out for a night. We didn't make it to a shelter today, but we did pick up a map that shows the trails through the Michaux State Forest which is about 37 miles....I think we saw about two miles of it. Michael and I would like to do a night or two along this trail with Gilbert. Maybe in the Fall. There are also about 60 miles of other trails open to mountain bikers and hikers. I'm sure this park will be a popular place to visit for the family. Gilbert enjoyed his first visit to the woods, and when he wasn't sleeping he was looking straight up at the sky and trees. He is too cute!

1 comment:

bethbikes said...

Hey Mike, Michaux State Forest is home to Iron Cross and Iron Cross Lite, just a mere 239 days away: