I "raced" the Chambersburg Half Marathon. They say never try anything new on race day. Well, I didn't really follow that rule and decided to take Gilbert along in the baby jogger. It was our first time actually using it for running. We were doing just over a nine minute mile until miles eight through ten. We had to pull off about four times for feedings and for holdings. I think for anyone running a half marathon those are the roughest miles, who can blame him. So we placed close to last, but it was a beautiful Spring day and I really enjoyed getting to share the experience with Gilbert. It was just nice to be out with other runners enjoying the outdoors.
Michael did the first race in a local series that goes through August. Here is the link to the series for cyclists reading the blog:
He did well and felt pretty good throughout the race. He was mainly just trying to push himself to see what he has in the tank as far as early season goes. He finished 18th and with the second pack of racers. The top twenty finishers get points towards the series, so he came away with a few points! The series should progress well, being that a lot of the same racers will consistantly be there. So needless to say he is already getting a feel for some of the styles of the other racers.
There were other members racing from his team, C3 Sollay, based out of Baltimore. They have not had much time to train together, but hopefully in the upcoming races they will determine how to work their individual strengths to come together as a team, resulting with one of their teammates out front.
The majority of the races are just over an hour from here, so as long as I'm not racing we will head out as a family. And if there is someone there to watch Gilbert I might even get some road racing in this year.
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