Sunday, March 16, 2008


YES! We had our first official paid babysitter here in Chambersburg. The day after our first races we scheduled a girl we know from the YMCA to babysit for us. What exactly did we do for our date you may wonder....hello, we went for a bike ride. It was my first time actually riding a bike outdoors since Gilbert was born. But I think the pure excitement of actually getting to go for a ride together pushed me enough to get through the ride just fine. Michael knows a few routes, so he lead the way. Any direction you head outside of town you are on rolling country roads. Which were a lot nicer than I recall seeing from driving along in the car. It was really very beautiful and left both of us on could nine for the rest of the day. I quote one farmers sign in saying,"The broad path leads to destruction". In other words, keep it simple folks. So true, so true!

1 comment:

Michelle Gilpin, SPT said...

Hey there. I'm enjoying your blog.


Michelle G