Sunday, December 7, 2008


Our last race for the season was December 7th just outside of DC. I think I was a bit exhausted at this point in the season and after only one lap I chose to DNF. Conditions were icy, I didn't warm-up, I had a bad attitude, and just wasn't into it. So I pulled out of the race. No harm done, just a little jab at the ego. But that was all smoothed over when I got news the following week that my request to upgrade from a Category 4 to a Category 2 was approved by USA Cycling. Three cheers, next year I get to race with the big girls. I will be back to chasing and no so much being chased, it is still fun either way.

I think Michael was a bit exhausted at this point at the last race of the season. I could tell that he just didn't have his usual spunk at about half-way through the race. But he still finished in about 6th place which is pretty good.

The season overall was a learning experience for both of us. Being somewhere new we had to figure out with races, series, and major events to do...and we didn't always pick the best ones. But we had full weekends of racing and many races to choose from. Then throw in the factor of toting along a baby and me racing my first season ever...I think that Michael had a very different racing season than any prior year. But we actually got a pretty good routine down and have our sights set on next year. But highest honors go to Gilbert, he was a trooper through the season and is a well traveled baby. Can you believe that by the age of one he has been to all the Western States and all the Eastern States except for Maine, Georgia, Rhode Island, and Florida. Next year?

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