So this year we have a little more flow going on. But Gilbert is in to everything and the thought of a tree is a bit horrifying. If the thought of cutting down a tree isn't bad enough. The thought of Gilbert pulling one down, lights, ornaments, and all just tops it off. About fifteen years ago I witnessed my first alternative Christmas tree at my mom's friends' house, Fran and Dick. I must admit that at the time I thought they were a little crazy for having this arty abstract rendering of a tree on the wall above the fireplace, but it really stuck with me.
So we have a eucalyptus tree, which smells good, sits out of Gilbert's reach, and is environmentally friendly. Oh and it cost $2.99!
So the stockings are hung, the tree is up, the lights are around the window, and the wreath is hanging on the door. Christmas is in the air at the Gallagher house, now we just need a little Christmas music...must check out Itunes.

My mom's friend Fran, an Alaskan artist, died this summer from cancer. She was one of the coolest ladies ever and always will be. In honor of her my goal is to come up with a different, creative and environmentally friendly tree every year. That is how a spirit lives on. Fran you rock!
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