Friday, December 19, 2008


This might be my last post ever. I have had a stomach bug for a week now. This consists of being only able to consume oatmeal, tea, water, and anything bland. At times I think I'm getting better and will eat something real. But that never proves to be a good idea. My favorite things: coffee, sweets, and wine are totally off limits. So for those who know me well know that is a big deal.

But here is where the last post comes in. We have been invited over to a couples house for dinner tonight. Michael came home last night to inform me that they asked if chili or lasagna was okay. Either way I think I am in trouble, but if it is chili I am a gonner. The plan, eat oatmeal before going over and then eat a VERY SMALL portion of.....chili. Nooooooooo!

Pray for me!

Oh, but I am almost at race weight for the first time since having Gilbert. Which really means that for the first time in my life I am officially "skinny fat". What is skinny fat?????? People who are skinny not because they workout, but because they eat poorly. This results in a higher percentage of body fat as opposed to muscle. Not something to be proud of.


Unknown said...

hey cousins! just catching up on the blogs... so glad to hear that you're both up and racing and that Chambersburg now has a BREWERY!! sounds like things are looking up for you on the almost-east coast. hope you had a great holiday. hope to talk to you soon! xo, lindsey

Michelle Gilpin, SPT said...

Are you still alive? I'm dying to know!

vonteity said...

Well, I hope you lived. See you at the Vettori's party on Saturday?? Hope so!